Are you ready? That is the fundamental question in our Gospel reading this Sunday. Are you ready for God? Are you ready to experience and live into God’s abundant kingdom where justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream?
Truth is, we are never completely ready on a practical level for anything. We can create checklists, and do all the chores, and organize all our papers and tidy everything up. But then life happens. Good things, and sin. Life happens. Or we learn something new. Or gain a new perspective, and we need to adjust.
Take the pandemic, for example. COVID-19 happened and we as a society and even as a church community weren’t really ready in a practical sense. But we adapted. Thanks to all the efforts of our lay leaders and staff we managed to find new ways, thanks to technology, to shift how we worship and connect in groups.
We are never completely ready on a practical level. But we can be ready for whatever comes in life (and death) by being spiritually ready, grounding ourselves in God’s love, God’s healing, God’s embrace of you.
This week our nation’s election day has extended into an election week that as of this writing has not come to a decided end. There is obviously a lot of partisanship roiling our country. This moment of conflict is another powerful opportunity for us to ground ourselves in God and be steadfast and prepared for what is happening and what is to come.
However imperfect our human social and political structures are, we are ready as people of Christ to move into God’s future of healing and restoration, carrying the torch, lighting the way for others who long for God’s beautiful, just future.
Ground in God and you will be ready!